نکات ضروری انگلیسی یک شنبه 8 تير 1393برچسب:گرامر انگلیسی,گرامر,زبان انگلیسی,گرامر زبان انگلیسی,, :: 13:20 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
پنج شنبه 5 تير 1393برچسب:, :: 9:14 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
با سلام خدمت دوستان گل.یه جزوه از کتاب 504 با ترجمه فارسی براتون برای دانلود قرار دادم امیدوارم خوشتون بیاد
دو شنبه 8 مهر 1392برچسب:, :: 22:1 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
با سلام و عرض خسته نباشید خدمت دوستان محترم از این به بعدجهت مشاهده این سایت میتوانید به ادرس www.englishstudents.ir مراجعه کنید با تشکر جمعه 25 اسفند 1391برچسب:eset smart security offline update,free offline update,اپدیت رایگان افلاین نود32,اپدیت نود32,nod 32, :: 18:55 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
تاریخ:2013/03/15 روش آپدیت: 1-فایل زیر را دانلود کنید و از حالت فشرده خارج کنید(روش دانلود از فورشیر در ادامه مطلب میباشد) 2-ابتدا وارد حالت safe mode شوید(به این صورت که هنگام بالا آمدن ویندوز f8 را نگه دارید و از عبارت های موجود safe mode را انتخاب کنید) 3-به ادرس C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security رفته و آپدیت هایی که دانلود کردین copy و در این آدرس paste کنید و اگر پیغامی بر مبنای جایگزینی فایل ها ظاهر شد yes را بزنید سپس تمام پنجره ها را بسته و ریست کنید 4-پس بالا امدن ویندوز وارد انتی ویروس شده و به تب update بروید.سپس بر روی آپدیت کلیک کنید و منتظر شوید تا کاملا آپدیت شود 5-در نهایت با پیغامی بر مبنای آپدیت شدن آنتی ویروس مواجه مبشوید پایان ادامه مطلب ... جمعه 25 اسفند 1391برچسب:, :: 18:6 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
یکی از بهترین نمونه امتحانات برای علاقه مندان به انگلیسی.این کتاب فوق العاده مفید و جالبه چون هم باید گرامر و هم لغات و اصطلاحات انگلیسی رو خیلی خوب بلد باشی.امیدوارم به دردتون بخوره
جمعه 25 اسفند 1391برچسب:, :: 11:37 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
به درخواست یه سری از دوستان جزوه ای برای دانلود گذاشتم که شامل مکالمات ساده انگلیسی می باشد و برای کسانی که قصد شروع یادگیری انگلیسی دارن خیلی مفیده.امیدوارم خوشتون بیاد
جمعه 25 اسفند 1391برچسب:, :: 11:14 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
کتاب بسیار مفید برای علاقه مندان به IELTS در این کتاب نکات بسیار مهمی وجود داره که برای علاقه مندان به شرکت در ازمون IELTS بسیار مهمه.
چهار شنبه 11 بهمن 1391برچسب:, :: 16:3 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
Three months had passed. It was time for Tony to visit his dental hygienist again. The visit usually lasted two to three hours. The hygienist always went through a list of questions about his health. Then she took his pulse and blood pressure. Last, she ran her gloved finger all around the inside of his mouth, looking for and feeling for abnormalities.
On this visit, she found one. It was a white spot on the side of his tongue. “We often see this in smokers’ mouths,” she told him. She called the dentist over.
“How long has that been there?” he asked Tony.
“I have no idea,” said Tony.
“We’re going to have to do a biopsy,” the dentist said. “It won’t require more than two or three stitches. We have to make sure this spot is benign. We’ll do it right after your teeth are cleaned.”
Tony couldn’t eat anything except soup for a couple of days after the surgery, nor could he pronounce words clearly. If the white spot were malignant, how much more surgery would be required? How much of his tongue would be removed? He regretted all those years of smoking.
A week later, the dentist removed the stitches and told Tony that the white spot was benign. Tony was relieved.
A few days afterward, Tony was talking to a friend of his who was a long-time smoker. “You really ought to quit,” he suggested. “That was a good scare I just got from my dentist. Getting part of your tongue cut out is not a pleasant thought.”
“I'm not worried. You’ve got to die of something. I've got a greater chance of getting killed by a drunk driving a white SUV than by some white spot on my tongue. Besides, this is my only vice. I need to be able to enjoy something in life, don’t I??l
چهار شنبه 11 بهمن 1391برچسب:, :: 15:57 :: نويسنده : مرتضی خلیلی
On Friday afternoon a judge sentenced lawyer Mickey Mantle to 24 hours in jail for contempt. Mantle had just won a lawsuit against a man who had struck Mantle’s client. The client had accidentally spilled a diet soda onto the defendant’s new sneakers, so he broke the client’s jaw. The judge sentenced the defendant to two years in jail for assault and battery. But after handcuffing the defendant, the sheriff’s deputy also handcuffed Mantle. “What the heck do you think you’re doing?” Mantle shouted.
“Sorry. Judge’s orders,” replied the deputy, as he escorted Mantle and the defendant out of the courtroom. “She said to throw you in jail overnight for contempt of court.” Because the judge had already left the courtroom, Mantle had no one to protest to.
Mantle and the convicted man were put in the back of the same van and driven five miles to the city jail. When they were taken out of the van, Mantle had a black eye and a bloody nose. He told the deputy that the defendant had head-butted him. The defendant called Mantle a liar. He told the deputy that Mantle had gone flying when the van made a sharp turn and banged his face on the defendant’s knee.
The deputy took Mantle to the jail emergency room. Mantle couldn’t believe what was going on. He was a respected lawyer about to spend the night in jail with violent criminals, some of whom he’d helped to convict. He’d be lucky to get out alive. And all because of a stupid cup of coffee.
Mantle was in jail because he had displeased Judge Brown. Brown had asked Mantle to bring her a caffe latte from Moonbucks on Mantle’s way back from lunch. Mantle had had previous run-ins with Brown. He didn’t like Brown, and refused to be her errand boy. When Mantle returned from lunch, she asked him where her coffee was. Mantle said, “They ran out. They said to come back tomorrow.”
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